This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo-1.63 from the input file vera.texi. START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * V.E.R.A.: (vera). Virtual Entity of Relevant Aconyms END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY This is a special GNU edition of V.E.R.A., a list dealing with computational acronyms. Copyright (C) 1993/1998 Oliver Heidelbach Please send corrections to Oliver Heidelbach . Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation. Within the above restrictions the distribution of this document is explicitly encouraged and I hope you'll find it of some value. This dictionary has nothing to do with Systems Science Inc. or its products. File:, Node: Top, Next: 0, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir) *V.E.R.A. -- Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms* *Note 0::. *Note A::. *Note B::. *Note C::. *Note D::. *Note E::. *Note F::. *Note G::. *Note H::. *Note I::. *Note J::. *Note K::. *Note L::. *Note M::. *Note N::. *Note O::. *Note P::. *Note Q::. *Note R::. *Note S::. *Note T::. *Note U::. *Note V::. *Note W::. *Note X::. *Note Y::. *Note Z::. To search for an acronym type `s ^*acronym*'. * Menu: * About:: What is V.E.R.A.? * Format:: Systematic approach of the acronym list (if any) * Acronym:: Definition of the word *acronym* * Release notes:: News, changes, requests, ... * Credits:: List of contributors and other credits * Disclaimer:: Please read before printing, copying or the like * Help on: (info). Getting used to the Info browsing system * Index:: Edition 1.3 (Texinfo) Released June 1998 File:, Node: 0, Next: A, Prev: Top, Up: Top -- 0 -- ******* 100VG 100 Voice Grade [technology] Double Sided - Double Density (FDD) 3DDDI 3D Device Dependent Interface (MS), "3D DDI" 3DRAM 3 Dimensional Random Access Memory (RAM) 3rd Generation Language 4th Generation Language 5th Generation Language File:, Node: A, Next: B, Prev: 0, Up: Top -- A -- ******* Auto Answer (MODEM) AAAAA Anonym Association Against Acronym Abuse slang American Association for Artificial Intelligence org., AI, USA American Association for the Advancement of Science org., USA Authorization and Access Control (IETF) Authorized AutoCAD Dealer (AutoCAD, CAD) American Association of DOMAIN Names org., USA, Internet Allgemeine AnschalteErlaubnis (Telekom) Advanced Authoring Format (MS) Association for Applied Interactive Multimedia org. Allied command europe ACCIS Implementation Strategy ACCIS, NATO, mil. ATM Adaption Layer (ATM) AAMSI American Association for Medical Systems Informatics org., USA Applications Access Point Association of American Publishers org., USA Appletalk Address Resolution Protocol (Apple, AppleTalk) ASCII Asynchronous Support Package (ASCII) Average Access Time Authorized Academic Training Program (MS, MCSD) Apple Attachment Unit Interface (Apple, AppleTalk) American Bankers Association Org., USA, banking ABAP4 Advanced Business Application Programming/4 (SAP, R/3, 4GL), "ABAP/4" ABATS Automatic Bit Access Test System Apple Bulletin Board System (Apple) Atanasoff-Berry-Computer Altavista Business Card Directory (WWW) Advanced Boolean Expression Language ABEND ABnormal END (Netware) Application Binary Interface (POE) ABIOS Advanced Basic Input Output System (IBM) ABIST Automatic Built In Self Test (IBM) Asynchronous Balanced Mode Available Bit Rate (ATM, CBR, VBR, UBR, QOS) Apple Business Systems (Apple) Association of Banyan Users International org., Banyan, User group, Vorlaeufer, ENA Access Control (Token Ring, ...) Area Code Automatic Computer [digital] Audio Compression - 3 Dolby, DVD, digital audio, "AC-3" Asynchronous Communications Adapter Application Control Architecture Services (DEC) Area Communication Controller (MODACOM) Atari Competence Center ACCIS Automated Command and Control Information System mil., USA Army Command and Control System mil., USA Association of C and C++ Users org., UK Automated Call Distribution (CTI) Alternating Current/Direct Current, "AC/DC" Asynchronous Communications Device Interface (IBM, CM/2) Advanced Computing Environment manufacturer Access Control Field Advanced Communications Function (IBM) Apple Communications Framework (Apple) Address and Control Field Compression (PPP) ACFNCP Advanced Communication Function / Network Control Program (IBM, ACF), "ACF/NCP" ACFTCAM Advanced Communication Function / Telecommunications Access Method (IBM, ACF), "ACF/TCAM" ACFVTAM Advanced Communication Function / Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (IBM, ACF), "ACF/VTAM" Association for Computers and the Humanities org., USA Associacio Catalana d'Intelligencia Artificial org., Spanien, AI Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter Atomicity - Consistency - Isolation - Durability (DB, TP) American Commitee for Interoperable Systems org., USA [MS] Access Compatibility Layer (MS, DB) Access Control List (DCE, DFS, NDS) Advanced CMOS Logic Agent Control Language (Agents) Association for Computational Linguistics org., USA Access Control List Facility (DCE) Address Complete Message (ATM) Association for Computing Machinery org., USA A Company that Makes Everything slang Application Control Management System AMP Communications Outlet ACOPS Automatic CPU Overheating Prevention System (GigaByte), "A-COPS" Apple Classrooms Of Tomorrow (Apple) Active Configuration Profile (MODEM) Auxillary Control Process Audio Capture and Playback Adapter (IBM) Apple Communications Protocol Card (Apple) Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (Intel, MS, Toshiba) Automated Corporate Planning Tool Attenuation to Crosstalk Radio cable Automatic Call Recording Access Control System (DISA) Advanced Communications System Architekten, Computer, Systeme fair Asynchronous Communication Server Australian Computer Science Association Control Service Element (OSI, ISO, DIS 8649) Advanced/Atari Computer System Interface (Atari) ACSMIB ATM Circuit Steering Management Information Base (ATM, MIB), "ACS-MIB" ACSNET Academic Computing Services NETwork Aural Cascading Style Sheets (CSS, HTML, WWW) Architecture Characterization Template (DISA) America's Carriers Telecommunications Association (USA) ACTPU ACTivate Physical Unit (SNA) Advanced Communications Technologies and Services Europe Automatic Calling Unit Automatic Client Update (Novell, Netware) ACUTA Association of College and University Telecommunication Administrators org., USA Authorisierter Distributor (DEC) Autonomous DOMAIN Automatic Data Acquisitions ADAPSO Association of Data Processing Service Organisation org., USA ADAPT Architecture Design, Analysis, and Planning Tool ADATP Allied DATa processing Publication mil., USA A DeBugger (Unix) Apple Desktop Bus (Apple) Advanced Data Broadcasting System (DirecPC) Adaptive Data Compression (MODEM) Analog to Digital Converter Apple Distribution Center (Apple) Automatic Data Capture ADCCP Advanced Data Communications Control Procedure (ANSI) Adapter Device Driver (OS/2) ADDDC Automatic Direct Distance Dialing System Application Development Environment Aufforderung zur DatenEingabe (BTX) ADEPT Administrative Data Entry for Processing Transmission mil., USA Automatic Digital Encoding System Andrew Development Environment Workbench (ATK, Unix) Access control Decision Function mil., USA Automatic Document Feeder Autocad Device Interface (CAD, AutoCAD) AUTODIN-to-DISN Interface AUTODIN, DISN, mil., USA [international conference on the] Advances in Digital Libraries (IEEE) Adventure Description Language Asynchronous Data Link Control Add-Drop-Multiplexer Area Division Multiple Access (Mobile Systems) ADministration Management DOMAIN (X.400) Access Device Messaging Specification banking, Visa Active Data Objects (ASP, ODBC, MS, IIS) Administrative Data Processing Advanced Data Processing Automatic Data Processing (ADP) ADPCM Adaptive Delta Pulse Code Modulation Automatic Data Processing Equipment (ADP) ADPLO Automated Data Processing Liaison Office (ADP) Automatic Data Processing System (ADP) Automated Data Processing/Telecommunications (ADP), "ADP/T" Advanced Digital System Application Development System Automatic Distribution System Automatic Documenting System (LAN) Auxilary Data System ADSIA Allied Data Systems Interoperability Agency Org., NATO, mil. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line [technology] (BELLCORE, AT&T, DSL) Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop [modulation] Advanced Digital Signal Processor (DSP) Appletalk Data Stream Protocol (Apple, AppleTalk) Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release [generator] (VCA) ATM Data Service Unit (ATM) Abstract Data Type Access Developer's Toolkit (MS, DB, Windows) Application Data Type Application Development Tools (IBM, AS/400) Automatic Dialing Unit Administrative Directory User Agent Automatisierte DatenVerarbeitung staatliche Akademie fuer DatenVerarbeitung Org., Uni Boeblingen, Germany Automatisiertes DatenVerarbeitungsSystem Automatic Data eXchange Apple Events (Apple) Application Entity / Environment / Execution / Engineering (APE) American Electronics Association org., USA Analog Expansion Bus Advanced Error Correction (CD) Access control Enforcement Function AEGIS Advanced Electronic Guidance and Instrumentation System Application Enabling Interface (IBM) Automatic Equipment Identification AEIMP Apple Event Interprocess Messaging Protocol (Apple) Automatic Emulation Management (Brother) Apple Events Object Model (Apple) AEPIA Asociacion Espanola Para la Inteligencia Artificial org., Spanien, AI Application Environment Service / Specification (OSF) Automatic Emulation Switching (Lexmark) AESEBU Auto Engineering Society/European Broadcasting Union digital audio, "AES/EBU" Apple Event Terminology Extension (Apple) Apple Event User Terminology (Apple) Auxiliary carry Flag assembler AFAIC As Far As I'm Concerned slang, Usenet, IRC AFAIK As Far As I Know slang, Usenet, IRC AFAMPE [u.s.] Air Force Automated Message Processing Exchange Org., USA. mil. Automatic Font Change AFCET Association Francaise pour la Cybernetique Economique et Technique Org., France Automatic File Distribution Apple File Exchange (Apple) AFrican EDIFACT Board org., EDIFACT, "AF/EB" Authority and Format Indicator (NSAP, IDP) Authority Frame Identifier Association for Font Information Interchange org., USA Air Force Information Network Netzwerk, USA, mil. AutomatisiertesFingerabdruck-InformationsSystem (INPOL) Away from Keyboard slang, Usenet, IRC AFNET Air Force Network Netzwerk, USA, mil. Advanced Function Presentation (IBM) Appletalk Filing Protocol (Apple, AppleTalk) Advanced Function Printing Architecture (IBM) AFPDS Advanced Function Printing Data Stream (IBM) Authenticated Firewall Traversal (IETF) Anonymous File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Association Francaise des Utilisateurs d'Unix Org., France, Unix Advanced Graphics Adapter Automatic Gain Control (Audio) Access Grant CHannel (GSM, CCCH) ArbeitsGemeinschaft Elektronisches Publizieren [e.v.] org., DTP, "AgEP" Arbeitsgemeinschaft der GrossForschungseinrichtungen [deutschlands] org. AGFMB ArbeitsGemeinschaft Freier MailBoxen org. Advanced / Accelerated Graphics Port (Intel, MMX, AGP) [IP] Authentication Header (IPSEC, IPV6, RFC 1826) AHIMA American Health Information Management Association org., USA Analytical Hierachy Process AHPCRC Army High Performance Computing Research Center org., USA, HPC Adobe Illustrator (Adobe) Artificial Intelligence Application Integration Architecture [SRI] Artificial Intelligence Center (SRI, AI) AIX windows Interface Composer (AIX, IBM) Associazione Italiana per l'Informatica ed il Calcolo Automatico Org., Italy Attention Interrupt ??? [key] (IBM) AUTODIN Interface Device AUTODIN, mil., USA AIDAT African Internet Development Action Team org., Internet Automatic Installation and Diagnostic Service Audio Interchange File Format Active Input Interface (UNI, PMD, FDDI) Associazione Italiana per l'Intelligenza Artificiale Org., Italy, AI Association for Information and Image Management org., USA Advanced Invar Mask (Display, ViewSonic) Alternate Input Method (OS/2) Apple, IBM, Motorola [consortium] Apple, IBM, Motorola, org. Association of Imaging Manufacturers org. ATM / Ascend Inverse Multiplexing [protocol] (ATM) Automatic Interface Management (Brother) Apple Internet Mail Server (Apple) AIMSRCF Association of Imaging Manufacturers ??? /Shared Resource Control Facility (Fujitsu), "AIM/SRCF" Advanced Intelligent Network (IN) Auto Insert Notification (CD-R) Asynchronous Input/Output ATM Interface Processor (ATM) Automatic Image Refinement (Canon), "A.I.R." AIRTC [international symposium on] Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control IFAC, IFIP, IMACS, conference Alarm Indication Signal (UNI, ATM, OAM, DS3/E3) Applied Information Sciences manufacturer Applied Information Systems manufacturer Arbeitgeber-Informations-Service (WWW) Automated Information System Association of Imaging Service Bureaus org. Alarm Indication Signal-External (UNI, ATM), "AIS-E" AISIG [south australian] Artificial Intelligence Special Interest Group Org., Australia, AI Association for Internet Service Providers org., USA, ISP Association for Internet Service Providers org. Association of Information Systems Professionals org., USA AISSO Automated Information Systems Security Officer mil., USA Agency of Industrial Science and Technology org., Japan Advanced Intelligent Tape (Sony) Angewandte InformationsTechnik [verlags gmbh] manufacturer AITEC [research institute for] Advanced Information TEChnology org., Japan Association Internationale pour les Technologies Objets org. APPN Implementers Workshop org., APPN Advanced Interactive eXecutive (IBM, Unix, OS) AIXESA Advanced Interactive eXecutive/Enterprise Systems Architecture (IBM, AIX), "AIX/ESA" Association of Japanese Business Studies org., Japan Arbeitsgemeinschaft der deutschen KI Institute org., KI Artificial Life Assembly Language Appletalk Link Access Protocol (Apple, AppleTalk) As Late As Possible slang, Usenet Adaption Layer Controller (ATM) Arithmetic and Logic Circuits (IC) Automatic Level Control Adaptive Lossless Data Compression (IBM) Address Lifetime Expectation org., IETF, IP Application Link Enabling (R/3, SAP) Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts Linux, user group ALGOL ALGOrithmic Language ALIWEB Archie Like Indexing in the WEB (WWW) Automatisierte LiegenschaftsKarte (ALTIS) Application / Appware Loadable Module (Novell, Netware) Asychronous Line Module Asynchronous Line Multiplexer Apple Library for Object Embedding (Apple, OpenDoc) Advanced Logic Research, inc manufacturer Adjacent Link Station (IBM) ALTEL Association of Long-distance TELephone companies org., USA ALTERNIC ALTERnative Network Information Center (Internet, USA) Association for Local Telecommunications Services org., USA Arithmetic and Logic Unit (CPU) Active Matrix (LCD) Amplitude Modulation Asynchronous Mode Automatic Message Accounting AMACS AMA Collection System (AMA) AMARC AMA Recording Center (AMA) AMASE AMA Standard Entry (AMA) AMA Transmitter (AMA) AMATPS AMA TeleProcessing System (AMA) Active Matrix Color Display (AMD, LCD) Active Matrix Display (LCD) Advanced MicroDevices [inc.] manufacturer Advanced Metal Evaporated [tape] (Seagate) Advanced Modeling Extension (AutoCAD) Active Matrix Electro Luminescent (AMD) Automated Material Handling Automated Message Handling System (MHS) Alternate Mark Inversion (ISDN, T1) American Megatrends Incorporation manufacturer ATM Management Interface (ForeRunner) American Medical Informatics Association org., USA Australian Medical Informatics Association Org., Australia Apple Memory-mapped I/O Controller (Apple) AMIGOS Advanced Mobile Integration in General Operating Systems Audio Message Interface Standard AMLCD Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display (AMD, LCD) Advanced Memory Management Architecture Automated Multi-Media Exchange AMNET Allgemeines Mailbox NETzwerk BBS, network Automated Message Processing Exchange Advanced Mobile Phone Service (Mobile Systems, Motorola) American Mathematical Society org., USA Andrew Mail / Message System (Unix) Asymetric Multiprocessing System AUTODIN Mail Server AUTODIN, mil., USA AMSDOS AMStrad Disk Operating System (Amstrad, OS), "AMS-DOS" Active Matrix Technology (AMD, LDC) Apple Media Tool (Apple) Average Modulation Transfer Function AMTFT Active Matrix Thin Film Transistor (AMD, LCD) AMTPE Apple Media Tool Programming Environment (Apple), "AMT PE" Architecture Methodology Working Group org., DISA Access Node Alternating Network ANlagenBUchhaltung AT&T Netware Connect Services (AT&T, Netware) Architecture Neutral Distributation Format (OSF) ANFSCD And Now For Something Completely Different slang, Usenet, IRC Access Node Hub Router (AN) Automatic Number Identification Apple Network Managers Association org., Apple Advanced ??? Network Management Protocol Access Node Router Advanced Network & Services Inc. (IBM, MCI. Merit, NFSnet) American National Standard (ANSI, ISO, USA) Advanced Networked Systems Architecture (ISA) American National Standard Institute org., USA ANSPAG Advanced Network System Performance and Application Group (RDN-CRC) Advanced Networking Test Center org., USA, AMD, FDDI AT&T Novell Telephone Services (AT&T, Novell), "A/NTS" ANUML Australian National University Meta Language, "ANU ML" American Optometric Association org., USA Apple Open Collaboration Environment (Apple) Application Operating Environment (AT&T) Active Output Interface (UNI, PMD, FDDI) America OnLine network Algebraic Operating System (IBM) Australian Overseas Telecommunications Corporation Org., Australia Arithmetic Output Unit Asia and Oceania Workshop (OSI) Access Point (Wireless LAN) Application Processor Automatic Pagination Adaptive Packet Assembly All Points Addressable Arithmetic Processing Accelerator Authorized Program Analysis Report (IBM) American Power Conversion manufacturer, UPS ArbeitsPlatz Computer (SNI) Association for Progressive Communications Org., network APCUG Association of Personal Computer User Groups org. Additional Product Documentation Apple Programmers and Developers Association org., Apple Application Protocol Data Unit (OSI, PDU, OSI/RM) APplication Engineering A Portable EMACS Library (EMACS, GNU) Advanced Packet EXchange Advanced Printer Function (IBM, ADT) Application Program Interface (API) Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (Intel, PIC) Arbeitsdatei PIOS Innere Sicherheit (INPOL, PIOS) A Perspicious Language / Alles Parallel Loesbar APL, slang A Programming Language (IBM) APLSF A Programming Language with Shared Files (CMU, DEC) APLSF A Programming Language with Shared Variables (IBM) Arbeitsdatei PIOS LandesVerrat (INPOL, PIOS) Advanced Power Management Automated Program Management information System APNIC Asian Pacific Network Information Center org., Internet Arbeitsdatei PIOS Organisierte Kriminalitaet (INPOL, PIOS) Application Portability Profile Advanced Peer-to-Peer Communications (IBM, SNA, LU 6.2) Advanced Program to Program Communication (IBM) Application Program to Program Converter (IBM) APPCM Access Protection and Priority Control Mechanism (DQDB) APPCP Advanced Program to Program Communications Protocol (APPC, IBM) Advanced Peer to Peer Internetworking (Cisco) Advanced Peer to Peer Networking (IBM) Arbeitsdatei PIOS Rauschgift (INPOL, PIOS) Asynchronous Protocol Specification Ada Programming Support Environment Address Pass Through Advanced Photoscale Technology (Brother) Automatically Programmed Tools Advanced Processor Temperature Control (Chaintech) Application Program to Transaction Manager (TP) Arbeitsdatei PIOS Waffen (INPOL, PIOS) Administrative Request [message] (LFAP) Administrative Request Acknowledge [message] (LFAP) Apple[talk] Remote Access (Apple, AppleTalk) AntiReflection AntiGlare (ViewSonic) Apple Remote Access Protocol (Apple, AppleTalk) Architecture Review Board OpenGL, manufacturer, Org. Advanced RISC Computing [architecture] (ACE, RISC) Advanced RISC Computing Architecture (ACE, RISC) ARCNET Attached Resource Computer NETwork (Datapoint), "ARCnet" All Routes Explorer (ATM, ???) AREXX Amiga Restructured EXtended eXecutor [language] (Amiga, Commodore) American Registry for Internet Numbers org., Internet, USA Abuse Resistant Key Distribution (Arcade) Access Rights List (Banyan, VINES) Advanced Run-Length Limited [encoding] Advanced RISC Machines manufacturer, Acorn, Apple, VLSI, RISC Annotated [c++] Reference Manual Asnchronous Response Mode Association of Records Managers and Administrators, inc. org. Architecture for Reliable Managed Storage (Cheyenne) Automation Resources Management System Appletalk Remote Network Server (Apple, AppleTalk) Alterable Read Only Memory Address Resolution Protocol (Internet, RFC 826) Advanced Research Projects Agency org., USA ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork USA, network ARPDP Association of Rehabilitation Programs in Data Processing org., USA Automatic Re-transmission reQuest (MODEM) Announced Retransmission Random Access (MAC) Adaptive Resonance Theory (NN) Advanced Resolution Technology (Minolta) Accelerated Ray-Tracing System raytracing Asynchronous Remote Takeover Server Asynchronous Remote Takeover Terminal Advanced Server Windows NT Authentication Service (DCE) Autonomous System (IP, Internet, RFC 1930) AS400 Application System/400 (IBM), "AS/400" Advanced SCSI Architecture (SCSI) American Standards Association org., USA, ANSI, Vorlaeufer As Soon As Possible slang, Usenet, IRC Automatic Switching And Processing Autonomous System Border / Boundary Router (AS) Accredited Standards Committee org., ANSI Additional Sense Code American Society for Cybernetics org., USA Authorized Support Center Automatic Contrast Selection (FAX) ASCII American Standard Code of Information Interchange ASCSI Advanced Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) Architecture Summary Design ASDSP Application-Specific Digital Signal Processor Active Storage Element GigaB, IP-router Aladdin Smartcard Environment (Fast, Aladdin) Application Service Elemant (ATM) ASian EDIFACT Board org., EDIFACT, "AS/EB" ASEMH Army Standards Electronic Mail Host mil., USA Advanced Streaming Format (MS) Almquist SHell (BSD, Unix, Shell), "ash" Adapter Support Interface (IBM, LAN) Amorphous SIlicon drum (Kyocera), "aSI" Aquarius Systems International manufacturer Asynchronous SCSI Interface Automatic System Installation Application Specific Integrated Circuit (IC) Arbeitskreis Simulation und Kuenstliche Intelligenz org., GI American Society for Information Science org. Akademische Software Kooperation Org., Karlsruhe, Germany Amplitude Shift Keying ASKSAM Access Stored Knowledge via Symbolic Access Method (DB), "askSam" Adaptive Speed Levelling (US Robotics) Advanced Solid Logic Technology (IC) Advanced Server Management (Acer) Association of Systems Management org. ASymetric MultiProcessing [system] ASymmetrisches MultiProzessor [system] Abstract Syntax Notation One (OSI, ISO, IS 8824), "ASN.1" AdvanceStack Network Management (HP) Abstract Service Primitive (OSI) Active Server Pages (HTTP, MS) Advanced Signal Processing / Processor Appletalk Session Protocol (Apple, AppleTalk) Association of Shareware Professionals org., USA Authorized Service Provider (Sun) ASPEC Advanced SPectre Entropy Coding MPEG, digital audio ASPEN Automatic System for Performance Evaluation of the Network Advanced SCSI Programming Interface (Adaptec, API, SCSI) ASPIC Advanced ??? Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) ASPIK Algebraic Specifications and Implementations ??? (ISDV) Advanced Signal Processing System Automated Software Quality American Society of Quality Control org., USA Automatic Server Restart (HP) Automatic Speech Recognition ASSERT ADEPT Subsystem for Scanning of Electronic Received Traffic ADEPT, mil., USA ASSIST Automated Special Security Information System Terminal mil., USA ASSPA ASsociation Suisse pour l'Automatique org., Schweiz Agreed Set of Security Rules mil., USA Atlantic Standard Time (TZ) Advanced Software Technology and Agorithms (HPCC) ASTRAL Alliance fuer Strategic Token Ring Advancement and Leadership manufacturer Asynchron-Synchron Umsetzer Advanced Technology (IBM, PC) Advanced Technology Attachment ATAPI Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface (ATA) ATASPI Advanced Technology Attachment Software Programming Interface (ATA) Address Translation Cache (CPU) Address Translation Controller (ATM) Automatic Transmission Control Allied Tactical Communications Agency Org., NATO, mil. [PPP] AppleTalk Control Protocol (Apple, AppleTalk, PPP, NCP, RFC 1378) Asynchronous Time Division (ATM) Asynchronous Time Division Multiplexer (ATD) ATDMA Asynchronous Time Division Multiple Access (ATD) ATtention Dial Pulse (MODEM) ATtention Dial Tone (MODEM) Asynchronous Terminal Emulation (Banyan, VINES) ATM Terminating Equipment (SONET, ATM) Authorized Training and Education Center (MS, MOCS, MCSD) Advanced Techniques integration into Efficient scientific Software (ESPRIT, CASE) Automatic Track Finding (DDS) ATtention Hang up (MODEM) Advanced Telecomunications Institute org., USA Asociacion de Tecnicos de Informatica org., Spanien Absolute Time In Pregroove (CD) Andrew ToolKit (Unix) ATKIS Amtliches Topographisch-Kartographisches InformationsSystem Activex Template Library (MS, ActiceX, MSVC) Adaptive Threshold Learning neural nets Abstract Test Method (ISO 9646-1) Adobe Type Manager Asynchronous Transfer Mode Automatic Teller Machine ATMARP ATM Address Resolution Protocol (ATM, ARP) Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol (Ascend, RFC 2107) Assumption based Truth Maintenance System (AI) Augmented Transition Network ASCII TO Binary (ASCII) ATOMM Advanced super Thinlayer and high-Output Metal Media (Fuji) Advanced Technology Partner Appletalk Transaction Protocol (Apple) Application Transaction Program (IBM, APPC) AppleTalk Phase 2 (Apple, AppleTalk) AppleTalk Printing Services (AppleTalk, Apple) Advanced Telecommunications Research laboratory org., Japan Answer To Reset Automatic Terminal Recognition ATRAC Adaptive TRansform Acoustic Coding Sony, digital audio Abstract Test Suite Administrative Terminal System Apple Terminal Services (Apple, AppleTalk) American Telephone and Telegraph, "AT&T" Advanced Technology eXtended [format] Access Unit Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence org., AI AUthentication Center (GSM), "AuC" AUDIT AUtomated Data Input Terminal AUDIUS AUssenDIenstUnterstuetzungsSystem (CAS) Andrew User Environment (Unix) Apple User Group Europe org., Apple, User group Access Unit Interface Attachment Unit Interface ethernet Audible User Interface (UI) Andrew User Interface System (Unix, UI) Acceptable Use Policy (NFSNet) Appletalk Update-based Routing Protocol (Apple, Appletalk, RFC 1504) Application Under Test AUTODIN AUTOmatic DIgital Network (DMS, DISA) AUTOSEVOCOM AUTOmated SEcure VOice COMmunications Vorlaeufer, SVIP, mil., USA AUTOVON AUTOmatic VOice Network predecessor, DSN, DISA ATM User-to-User (ATM) Apple UniX (Apple, Unix), "A/UX" AudioVisual [macintosh] (Apple) Audio-Visual Authoring teile-Auftragserfassungs-, Verwaltungs- und AbrufSystem (MBAG) AVATAR Advanced Video Attribute Terminal Assembler and Recreator (BBS) Audio-Visual Connection Audio-Visual Computer Display AutoCAD Visualization Extension (AutoCAD) Audio Video Interleaved (MS) AuftragsVerwaltungs- und InformationsSYstem (MBAG) Adelson, Veslkij and Laudis [tree] AudioVisuelles Marketing und computersysteme [gmbh] manufacturer Anchor Volume Descriptor Pointer (CD-R, UDF, ISO 9660) Automatic Voice Recognition Automatic Voltage Regulation (USV) Adult Verification System (WWW) Audio Waveform Amplifier and Converter (Apple) AWADO Automatischer Wechselschalter in der AnschlussDose Automatische Waehleinrichtung fuer Datenverbindungen Autocad Windows Extension (AutoCAD) American Wire Gauge cable al Aho, peter Weinberger, brian Kernighan (Unix) AnWeisungsListe (DIN 19239) Apple Workgroup Server (Appletalk, Apple) Abstract Windows Toolkit (Java, Sun) AWTAPI Abstract Windows Toolkit-Application Programmer Interface (AWT, API, Java) Application eXecution Environment Australian/new Zealand EDIFACT Board org., EDIFACT, "AZ/EB" File:, Node: B, Next: C, Prev: A, Up: Top -- B -- ******* Binary 8 Zero Suppression [encoding] (ISDN, T1) Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol Broken As Designed slang BAGEL Bay Area GNU Enthusiasts League GNU, org., User Group Basic Access Interface (ISDN) BALUN BALanced-UNbalanced [adapter] cable, "Balun" Bidirectional Associative Memory neural nets Block-Availibility-Map Bundesanstalt fuer Materialpruefung Org., Berlin, Germany [PPP] Bandwidth Allocation Protocol (PPP, RFC 2125) [PPP] Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol (PPP, BAP, RFC 2125) BAPCO Business Application Performance COrporation org., Compaq, Dell, HP, IBM, MS, Lotus, Intel, ..., "BAPCo" Business Application Programmer's Interface (SAP, R/3, API) BundesAmt fuer Post und Telefon org. BARRNET Bay Area Regional Research NETwork network, "BARRNet" Basic Application RunTime (OS/2, IBM) BARWAN Bay Area Research Wireless Access Network network, USA Bourne-Again SHell (Unix, Shell) BASIC Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code BASIN Bundesweites Alternatives Studentisches InformationsNetzwerk WWW, org. Baby Advanced Technology [board] (AT) BAYSIS BAY networks' Switched Internetworking Services, "BaySIS" BridgeBoard (Amiga, Commodore) Broadband Bearer Capability (B-ISDN) Be Back Later slang, Usenet, IRC Bolt, Beranek and Newman manufacturer Back Bone Ring Bulletin Board System BCBDS Broadband Connectionless Data Bearer Service (B-ISDN) Base Communications-computer Center mil., USA Blind Carbon Copy (DFUE) Block Check Character Broadcast Control CHannel (GSM) Binary Coded Decimal BCDBS Broadband Connectionless Data Bearer Service (ATM) BCDIC Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code BCDMA Broadband Code Division Multiple Access (Interdigital, SNI, Samsung), "B-CDMA" Base station Control Function (BS, BTS, GSM) Batibus Club International org. Brain Computer Interface Backbone Concentrator Node (Wellfleet) Broadband Class of Bearer (B-ISDN) [PPP] Bridging Control Protocol (PPP, RFC 1638) Basic Call Process (IN) Binary Communications Protocol Binary Control Protocol (Adobe, PS) Basic / BBN Combined Programming Language (BBN) BCRFS Bell System Reference Frequency Standard Banking Communication Standard banking Binary Compatibility Standard (Motorola) British Computer Society org., UK Basic Call Sate Modell (IN) Bus Controller Unit Borland Database ??? (Borland, DB) BundesDatenAutobahn [e.v] org., ISP BetriebsDatenErfassung Borland Database Engine (Borland, Delphi, DB) Bitmap Description / Display Format (Adobe, Fonts) [java]Beans Development Kit (Java) Basic Disk Operating System (CP/M) Bus Device Request (SCSI) BundesDatenSchutzGesetz Best Enhanced Advanced Technology (Trident, AT) Back-End-Chip (DVR) BECEEP BErlin Continuing Engineering Education Program, "BeCEEP" Backward Explicit Congestion Notification (ATM) Bookmark Exploring Dabbler (VRML) Burst EDO [DRAM] (EDO, RAM, DRAM, IC, Micron) BEDODRAM Burst Extended Data Out DRAM (RAM, DRAM, IC), "BEDO-DRAM" Bundesverband der Elektronik- und ElektroschrottVerwerter BELLCORE BELL COmmunications REsearch org., USA, "Bellcore" Be Operating System (OS), "BeOS" Basic Encoding Rules [for ASN.1] (ASN.1, OSI, ISO, IS 8825) Bit Error Rate BERKOM BERliner KOMmunikationssystem network Bit Error Rate Test Block Ended by Symbol IBM, assembler Bursty Errored Seconds (DS1/E1) Borland Enhanced Support and Training (Borland) Bundesvereinigung mittelstaendischer Elektro- und elektronikgeraete entsorgungs- und VerwertungsUnternehmen org. Business Engineering Workbench (R/3, SAP) Bus Fraction [pin] (Intel, Pentium, CPU) Binary File Descriptor (Unix) Binary File Tranfer (DFUE) Ball Grid Array (CPU, IC) Borland Graphics Interface (Borland) Border Gateway Protocol (RFC 1267/1771, IP) Broadcast and Group Translators Busy Hour Call Attemps Broadband High Layer Information, "B-HLI" Bayerisches Hochschulnetz network Branch History Table (CPU) Breidbart-Index (Usenet, ECP, EMP) Bus Interface Board Bit Independence Criterion cryptography Bus Interface Chip (DVR) Broadband InterCarrier Interface (B-ISDN), "B-ICI" Borland International Data Structures (Borland) Benchmark Interchange Format (PLB) Bionet Intelligent Gateway (BioData) BIGFON Breitbandiges Integriertes Glasfaser-Fernmelde-OrtsNetz BIKOS BueroInformations- und KOmmunikationsSysteme org., GI Broadband Interface Module British Interactive Multimedia Association org., UK Berkely Internet Name DOMAIN [software] (Unix) Basic Input Output System / Support (PC) Bit Interleaved Parity (SONET, ...) Bit Interleaved Parity Violation Belgian Institute for Automatic Control Org., Belgium Business Information System BISDN Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (ATM), "B-ISDN" Business Information System Program BISSI Broadband Inter-Switching System Interface (B-ISDN), "B-ISSI" BISUP Broadband ISDN User's Part (B-ISDN), "B-ISUP" BISYNC Binary SYNchronous Communications (IBM) Basic Interconnection Test (ISO 9646-1) Binary digIT BITNET Because It's Time NETwork network Bus Interface Unit Byte Information eXchange Buero Kommunikation BenutzerKoordinatenSystem (CAD) Blue Lightning [processor family] (Intel) BLADE Basic Linear Algebra for Distributed Environments BLAST BLocked ASynchronous Transmission BLock Error Rate (CD) Broadband Low Layer Information (BISDN), "B-LLI" Bayerische Landeszentrale fuer neue Medien org. Binary Large OBject BLOROB BLOck based ROBot Base Level System Modernization BundesMinisterium fuer Bildung und Forschung org. BundesMinisterium fuer Bildung und Wissenschaft org. Bio-Medical Data Package BundesMinisterium fuer Forschung und Technik org. Business Management Layerr (TMN) Bipolar Metal Oxyd Semiconductor (IC) Basic Mapping Support (CICS) Broadcast Message Server (PCTE) Backbone Message Transfer Agent (MTA) Berkeley Macintosh User Group org., Apple, USA, User group Bridge Number Baby N Connector slang Bayonet Neill Concelman [connector] Bayonet Nipple Connector slang Bayonet Nut Coupling ??? BundesNachrichtenDienst Backus-Naur Form (TTCN, ...) Broadband Network Premises Broadband Network Termination (B-ISDN), "B-NT" Basic Networking Utilities (AT&T) Basic Object Adapter Borland Object Component Architecture (Borland) Business Object Documents (OAG) Begining of Message Byte Order Mark (Unicode) BONDING Bandwidth ON Demand INteroperability Group Org., manufacturer, AIM Billion Operations Per Second BORSCHT Battery, Overvoltage, Ringing, Signalling, Coding, Hybrid, Testing [functions] (PBX) Basic Operating System (AIX, IBM) Back On Topic slang, Usenet, IRC Beginning Of Tape Build, Operate and Transfer networke Base Pointer [register] CPU, Intel, assembler BIOS Parameter Block (BIOS, DOS, HDD, FDD) Bridge Protocol Data Unit (PDU) Berkeley Packet Filter (BSD, Unix) Bits Per Inch (HDD) Best Play for Imperfect Player (NEC) Bytes Per Line Back-Propagation Net (NN) Bits Per Pixel Bridge Port Pair Bits Per Second (MODEM) Bi-Phase Shift Keying [modulation] Branch Prediction Unit (CPU, MMX, Intel) Branch Processing Unit (CPU) BiPolar Violation [error event] (DS1/E1, DS3/E3) Boundary Representation (CAD, CAM) BRAIN Berlin Research Area Information Network network Broadcast Recognition Access Method (MAC) Broadcast Recognition with Alternating Priorities (MAC) Be Right Back slang, Usenet, IRC Benchmark Reporting Format (PLB) Basic Rate Interface (ISDN) Bridge Router Interface ??? (Banyan) BRIEF Basic Reconfigurable Interactive Editing Facility Bridge/Router Interface Module Big Red Switch Berlin Reginal TestBed (WIN) BackSpace Banded Signaling Base Station (LA, GSM) BetriebsSystem BS2000 BetriebsSystem 2000 (SNI, OS) Backbone Service Area Business Software Alliance Org., manufacturer Basic Sequential Access Method (IBM, MVS) Base Station Controller (BS, BTS, GSM) Binary Synchronous Coded Binary Synchronous Communications [protocol] (IBM) Binary Synchronous Communications Module Berkeley System / Software Distribution manufacturer, Unix Berkeley Software Design Incorporated manufacturer Bentley Systems, Incorporated manufacturer British Standards Institute org., UK Bundesamt fuer Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik org. Base Station Identification Code (BS, BCCH, GSM) BetriebsSystemProzessor Windows NT, SMP Binary Space Partioning [tree] Block Started by Symbol IBM, assembler, Unix Broadband Switching System BSSMAP Base Station System Management Application Part (RR, BS, MTP, GSM) Bering Strait Time [-1100] (TZ) Brasil Standard Time [-0300] (TZ) British Summer Time [+0100] (TZ, UK) Broadcast Switched Virtual Connections (ATM) Baghdad Time [+0200] (TZ) Bering Time [-1100] (TZ) Burst Tolerance Bus Terminator Basic Tape Access Method (BS2000) Basic Telecommunications Access Method (IBM) Branch Target Buffer (CPU) Biting The Carpet slang, Usenet Broadband Terminal Equipment (B-ISDN), "B-TE" Bell Telephone Laboratories Block Translation Look-aside Buffer (CPU) Benchmark Timing Methodology (PLB) Binary TO ASCII (ASCII) BTRON Business TRON (TRON) Base Tranceiver Station entities (BCF, BS, GSM) Basic Transmission Unit (IBM, SNA) By The Way slang, Usenet, IRC BildschirmTeXt network, Datex-J, Telekom, "Btx" BTXVST BildschirmTeXt-VermittlungsSTelle (BTX), "Btx-VSt" Bus Interface Unit (DEC) Broadcast and Unknown Server (ATM, LANE) BildVerarbeitung BundesVerband fuer Buero- und informationssysteme [e.v.] org. [PPP] Banyan VINES Control Protocol (RFC 1763, Banyan, VINES, PPP) BundesVerband InformationsTechnologien [e.v.] org. Bandwidth Balancing Mechanism (DQDB) Borland Windows Custom Controls (Borland, DLL) BefehlsZaehlRegister Bit Zone Recording (ROD) BundesZentralRegister Bundesamt fuer Zulassungen in der Telekommunikation org., Telekom